Our strategy 2018 to 2021

Delivering an exemplary ombudsman service

Our new strategy sets out our vision to be an exemplary public services ombudsman. We will do this by providing an independent, impartial and fair complaints resolution service, while using our casework to help raise standards and improve public services.

Download our strategy 2018-21 now.

We developed our new strategy with valuable input from a wide variety of people who use our service as well as the organisations we investigate and work with. We looked closely at what is working elsewhere in the ombudsman sector.

We also talked to our staff to understand what our priorities should be and how we can improve and act more equitably.

Our objectives

There is much to do, but we are confident that through continuous learning and improvement, and with the commitment of staff at all levels of our organisation, we are well placed to achieve the objectives we have set out.

Our values

Our new strategy sets out our values which have been developed in close consultation with our staff and all those who use our service. These are:


Our Values: Independence, Fairness, Excellence, Transparency