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Capturing and reporting on learning from complaints | Parliamentary ...

Cabinet Office guidance on preparing annual reports and accounts gives advice on specific reporting requirements for complaints as part of an annual report.

Search Results | Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman ...

The Ombudsman's annual report and accounts 2022 to 2023 (pdf). Jul 19, 2023 ... Gifts and hospitality. PHSO staff are required to report the offer or receipt ...

PACAC Annual Scrutiny Report 2022-23: response from the ...

May 9, 2024 ... ... annual report, and prior to the next inquiry we will report back to the Committee on potential financial savings that have been identified ...

First annual casework report shows variety of complaints we see ...

Mar 5, 2020 ... The variety of complaints in the report, from delays in receiving child maintenance payments to sea bass fishing licences, show that public ...

Approved Minutes of the Extra-ordinary Board meeting held on 11 ...

Jul 11, 2019 ... annual report process. Page 3. Board 11 July 2019. Minutes. Page 3 of 3. 3.12. The Board approved the Annual Report and Accounts. The meeting ...

Search Results | Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman ...

Jul 20, 2023 ... Annual report 2022-23: an efficient, enhanced ... establish an award-winning Academy for new staff. ... surveys of user experience. User rating ...

Search Results | Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman ...

Staff surveys · Unreasonable behaviour policy · Strategic plans and annual reports ... The Ombudsman's Annual Report and Accounts 2017-2018 (pdf). Jul 31, 2019 ...

The Board

Annual business plan and budget; Annual Report and Accounts; All non-pay expenditure above £500k whether a single item, over the life of a single contract or ...

Welcome to the first annual Ombudsman's Casework Report ...

Mar 5, 2020 ... Welcome to the first annual Ombudsman's Casework Report · Last year PHSO saw a number of cases involving government departments as well as the ...

Approved Minutes of the Board Extraordinary meeting held at 11:05 ...

Jul 9, 2020 ... approve the 2019/20 Annual Report and Accounts, and that the Chair sign the letter of representation. 4. PHSO Annual Report and Accounts 2019-20.