Gender pay gap report 2020

All organisations within the United Kingdom with more than 250 employees have been required since April 2017 to publish details of their gender pay gap. The specific requirements of the Equality Act 2010 Act (Gender Pay Gap Regulations) 2017 are to publish information for the six specific measures detailed in this report.

As of 31 March 2020 we can report that:

  • The difference between the mean hourly rate of pay for men and that of women was 5.98%.
  • The difference between the median hourly rate of pay for men and that of women was -9.4%.

The reason for the difference between the mean and median gender pay gap is that we employ a small number of clinicians whose pay we do not set. This includes NHS consultants who are contracted as Clinical Advisers. Based only on the employees whose salaries we do set, our mean pay gap is -4.41% and the median gap is -6.6%.
56% of our employees are women. This is broadly reflected in the table below, which compares male and female pay in each of the four quartile pay bands. 

Proportion (%) of relevant male and female employees in each of the four quartile pay bandsMaleFemale
Upper middle48%52%
Lower middle44%56%

How we will use this data 

We will use data from the review to:

  • Our pay policy and structure to ensure salary decisions, meet our equality and diversity standards.  A new policy and structure have already been introduced 2019-2020.
  • consider how we attract more women into Clinical Adviser roles.

We will also:

  • actively promote flexible working opportunities to existing and prospective employees 
  • promote and encourage the take up of shared parental leave.

Download our 2020 Gender Pay Gap report