Responsibilities of the lead organisation: step-by-step guide

If your organisation is named as the lead organisation in a complaint against multiple organisations, you need to establish the practicalities of handling of the complaint from the outset – both within and between organisations. Use this step-by-step guide to help.

Step one

Draft a single response or report. 

Step two

Seek further information where needed, to make sure the response adheres to the relevant regulations, NHS Complaint Standards and social care guidance. 

Step three

Give all contributing organisations an opportunity to comment on the draft. 

Step four

Share the draft with the person who raised the complaint. 

Step five

Share all comments and reflect them in the final written response. 

Step six

Make sure any actions set out in the final response are completed.

Step seven

Tell the person who made the complaint about these actions. 

Step eight

Make sure any learning is shared with wider networks, in line with the Complaint Standards and good practice guidance.