Case summaries

These short, anonymised stories show the profound impact that failures in public services can have on the lives of individuals and their families.

Please note we have not published any new case summaries on this page since 2015. In April 2021 we began publishing our casework decision statements and investigation reports on our decisions portal


Health cases only
Poor clinical assessment by A&E locum doctor
Summary 594 |
Mr B complained about his visit to A&E in summer 2013. He says his history and records were not checked and he was discharged without treatment. Mr B says this caused him pain, suffering and distress.
Family not told about elderly patient's bed sores
Summary 588 |
Miss F complained that when her mother was discharged from hospital, her family were not told that she had pressure sores; had an untreated urine infection and her nutrition and hydration needs were not met. She said she was too unwell to leave hospital.