MP drop-in event: meet the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman will be hosting a drop-in event in Parliament for MPs and their staff on 19 April, with support from the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (PACAC).

Date: 19 April 2023

Time: 10am to 4pm

Location: Macmillan Room, Portcullis House, Houses of Parliament

MPs and their staff will have the opportunity to:

  • meet with PHSO colleagues
  • learn more about the role of the Ombudsman
  • find out more about the complaints process.

You can also ask us about:

  • any constituency complaint queries you have
  • any issues you have escalating these complaints to the Ombudsman
  • how we can work together to improve access to justice and help more people use our service. 


10am to 1.45pm

Drop-in session with the Ombudsman’s team

Members of our liaison, policy and public affairs, and our caseworker teams will be available in the Macmillan room to meet with MPs and their staff and respond to questions.

1.45pm to 1.50pmWelcome address from our Parliamentary host William Wragg
1.50pm to 1.55pmWelcome address from Rob Behrens, Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
1.55pm to 3pm

Meet and greet with Rob Behrens


An opportunity for informal discussions with the Ombudsman, PHSO staff and other attendees.

Rob will also be available to discuss individual complaints from your constituents, including those you are planning to refer to PHSO, in private. 

To book a 15-minute slot to meet with the Ombudsman, please contact by 14 April 2023 and let us know:

  • your preferred time between 1.55pm and 3pm
  • a brief description of what you would like to discuss. 
3pm to 4pm: NetworkingWe invite MPs and their staff to remain in Macmillan room and mingle with PHSO colleagues and other attendees.