These sample forms will support you to deliver good complaint handling as set out in the guides.
Sample forms for good complaint handling (UK central government)
Consent for a service user making their own complaint
Use this form to explain that other relevant people inside (and potentially outside) your organisation may need to see information from a complaint as part of your investigation.
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Consent for a representative to act on someone’s behalf
If the person is using a representative, you need to follow confidentiality and data protection laws. The person needs to authorise the representative to act on their behalf. They must also authorise you to discuss their complaint and share their personal information with the representative. Use this form to help you.
[WORD 1.05MB]
Complaints against multiple organisations
Use this sample consent form to gain permission to share the person’s details with other organisations.
[WORD 1.04MB]
Easy read consent
This is an Easy Read version of the consent form.
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Statement of consent for sharing my information with other organisations
Use a joint consent form to cover sharing personal information and any learning across all organisations involved. This means the person raising the complaint only needs to provide consent once.
[WORD 1.04MB]
Right to access information when the person cannot provide consent
Use this form if the person affected does not have the capacity to consent to the complaint being made on their behalf.
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Capturing complaints at early resolution
Use this form to make a simple record of an early resolution complaint, including the outcome, and any action taken to resolve the issue and improve services.
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Capturing insight and learning from a complaint
Use this form to capture insight and learning from a complaint. They will help organise your data so you can use it in reports to senior leaders or in your annual report.
[WORD 1.06MB]