UK Central Government Complaint Standards: Summary of Expectations

Complaint Standards at a glance

An effective complaint handling system...

Promotes a learning culture by supporting the whole organisation to:

  • see complaints as an opportunity to develop and improve its services and people
  • set clear expectations to embed an open, non-defensive approach to learning from
  • regularly talk to its managers, leaders and service users about what it has learnt from
    complaints and how it has used learning to improve services for everyone
  • give colleagues the support and training they need to deliver best practice in handling

Welcomes complaints in a positive way and:

  • recognises them as important insight into how to improve services
  • creates a positive experience by making it easy for service users to make a complaint
  • gives colleagues the freedom to resolve issues quickly and to everyone’s satisfaction.

Is thorough and fair when looking into complaints and:

  • gives an open and honest answer as quickly as possible, considering the complexity of the issues
  • makes sure service users who make complaints, and colleagues directly involved in the issues, have their say and are kept updated when they carry out this work
  • makes sure service users can see what colleagues are doing to look into the issues in a fair and objective way, based on the facts.

Gives fair and accountable responses that:

  • set out what happened and whether mistakes were made
  • fairly reflect the experiences of everyone involved
  • clearly set out how the organisation is accountable
  • give colleagues the confidence and freedom to offer fair remedies to put things right
  • take action to make sure any learning is identified and used to improve services.