Performance against our Service Charter 2017/18 Quarter 3 (October to December)

Giving you a good service


2017-18 Quarter 3


Change from Quarter 2
  Casework process assurance Complainant feedback Casework process assurance Complainant feedback
12. We will treat you with courtesy and respect - 89% - -1%
13. We will give you a final decision on your complaint as soon as we can 89% 58% +3% +3%
14. We will make sure our service is easily accessible to you and give you support and help if you need it 100% 61% +4% -4%
Overall section score 95% 69% +4% -1%


What the results tell us

We continue to score highly for staff being helpful and approachable. There is continual improvement in complainant feedback on the time it takes us to resolve cases. However, since the beginning of the year there has been a gradual downward trend in satisfaction among complainants for making sure our service is accessible, in particular signposting to advocacy services. We are looking into why this is.