Performance against our Service Charter 2018/19 Quarter 1 (April to June)

Following an open and fair process


2018-19 Quarter 1


Change from Quarter 4
  Casework process assurance Complainant feedback Casework process assurance Complainant feedback
5. We will listen to you to make sure we understand your complaint 97% 67% +2% -3%
6. We will explain the specific concerns we will be looking into 91% 83% +1% -3%
7. We will explain how we will do our work 82% 71% -8% No change
8. We will gather all the information we need, including from you and the organisation you have complained about before we make our decision 98% 47% +2% +5%
9. We will share facts with you, and discuss with you what we are seeing 61% 61% -18% -2%
10. We will evaluate the information we've gathered and make an impartial decision on your complaint 97% - -1% -
11. We will explain our decision and recommendations, and how we reached them 97% 57% +2% No change
89% 64% -3% -1%


What the results tell us

There is improvement in complainant satisfaction that we are gathering all the relevant information before reaching decisions. However, our casework process assurance shows that we need to get better at sharing and discussing facts with complainants and organisations we investigate. We are addressing this through our Professional Skills Training course for caseworkers, which emphasises regular and meaningful engagement as we progress casework.