Performance against our Service Charter 2019/20 Quarter 1 (April to June)

Giving you a good service


Quarter 1 (April-June 2019)

Change from Quarter 4
  Complainant Feedback Organisations we Investigate feedback Complainant Feedback Organisations we Investigate feedback
12. We will treat you with courtesy and respect 88% 88% -4% -
13. We will give you a final decision on your complaint as soon as we can 50% 75% -6% -
14. We will make sure our service is easily accessible to you and give you support and help if you need it 66% 88% -5% -
Overall section score 68% 84% -5% -

What the results tell us

Complainant feedback scores dropped overall for this section of the Charter this quarter and we will continue to monitor this.  

Both complainants and organisations gave high satisfaction scores for our staff treating them with courtesy and respect.  Providing our users with a timely decision remains our focus and we have taken action to reduce the number of cases awaiting attention.