Spotlight on the Windrush Compensation Scheme: your stories, your rights

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The Windrush Compensation Scheme was set up to help members of the Windrush generation who had suffered because they were unable to show their lawful right to stay in the UK.

In 2019, we began seeing complaints about the Scheme. Since then, we’ve found it has been wrongly denying compensation to people who should have received it. Our investigations into these failings have resulted in almost half a million pounds in compensation being paid to those affected.

Our new report spotlights some of the common reasons people were wrongly denied compensation, including:

  • telling people they weren't eligible for compensation when they were
  • not always looking at all the evidence provided
  • applying the rules even when they led to unfair outcomes.

We hope that this report will present an opportunity for the Home Office to review and make improvements to the current mechanisms in place for compensating people affected by Windrush. We also hope it will encourage people to complain if they have had a bad experience when applying for compensation through the Scheme.

Your stories, your rights

These case summaries show some of the themes we have seen in complaints people have brought to us about the Compensation Scheme.

Where we saw signs that something had gone wrong, we looked at how these affected the individuals and what the Compensation Scheme needed to do to put things right.