Summary of shortcomings
In the ten case stories described in this report, the shortcomings, compared with the applicable standards, are:
Clinical Care
Standard | Number at variance |
Timely history and examination on admission or referral. | 6 |
Investigations to determine:
| 7 5 4 6 5 |
Regular physiological monitoring using track and trigger systems. | 3 |
Accurate recognition of severity of the illness. | 7 |
Basic resuscitation with:
| 8 7 7 5 |
All of these actions to commence immediately on recognition of severe sepsis and to be completed within six hours. | 5 |
Source control to be performed as soon as possible after initial fluid resuscitation. | 5 |
Organisation of care
Standard | Number at variance |
Adequate education and training of staff. | 2 |
Appropriate and timely senior medical input. | 6 |
Timely referral to critical care. | 5 |
Formation and documentation of a management plan. | 1 |
Handover according to protocol. | 1 |
Appropriate and timely referral for source control. | 1 |