What we achieved 2023 to 2024

People we work with receive a high quality, empathetic and timely service, according to international Ombudsman principles

Providing a user-focused service

Our Public Engagement Advisory Group (PEAG) is made up of former complainants and members of the public who have never used our service. Their feedback helps us to make sure any changes to our services are user-focused.

Sessions with the group this year discussed the use of empathy in our communication, report writing and how we tackle increasing demand on our service.

“I really enjoy the sessions and enjoy making change in the way that we do. It is really inspirational what is being done.”

Sheena Boll, PEAG member

“Thanks to the PEAG research we have updated our training to include references to the results of public engagement. The first-hand accounts from members of the public are a powerful reminder of how important empathy is to our complainants.”

Rob Mackle, Lead Casework Development Programme Trainer


International ombudsman community engagement

Our role in the international ombudsman community is important to us and allows us to share knowledge and learn from best practice. Building on the success of the Manchester Memorandum event in 2021, we hosted a conference in January 2024 for 30 international ombudsman leaders. A further 60 International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) colleagues joined virtually.

At the event we led stimulating discussions on our learning from the Peer Review process and our outreach work with underrepresented communities.

Alongside the main event, we hosted the first European Learning Academy based on our approach to mediation. Delegates from the Netherlands, Portugal, Greece, Slovenia and Estonia learned about different mediation approaches, how they can be applied in other areas of casework, and how to create a safe environment for mediation.

“Today we open a new chapter in Ombudsman learning. The Ombudsman Learning Academy will be a hub for sharing experience and best practices among Ombudsman institutions and for researching new tools for our daily work.”

Andreas Pottakis, IOI Europe President

“I got valuable info on mediation techniques and conflict resolution. Our system is different but many of these skills can be useful in cases regarding health and social services.”

Delegate from Europe

PACAC scrutiny report

The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (PACAC) published its report in March 2024 following our
2022 to 2023 scrutiny session. The Committee recognised the increase in complaints that have been resolved by mediation, our continued investment in staff training, and the ongoing success of our Complaint Standards guidance for NHS and Government organisations.

The Committee highlighted areas for monitoring and improvement. This included reporting on service provision to
people with disabilities and the elderly, setting out our aims for mediation and the measures we will take to achieve those
aims, and reporting on progress of our digital ambition. We welcome this feedback as part of our commitment to continually
improving our complaint handling. We will reflect on this learning and take action to make sure we deliver excellent service that is accessible to all, while providing value for money.

“We welcome the fact that the PHSO has worked hard to reduce the backlog of cases created by the COVID-19 pandemic and met its target for making initial decisions about cases within seven days.”