Pillar one: Culture
Our workforce is made up of individuals with their own unique identities. They represent a variety of ages, ethnicities, abilities, faiths and beliefs, sexual orientations, gender identities, parental and caring responsibilities, socio-economic and educational backgrounds.
It is important that our organisation promotes an open, respectful and transparent culture, where difference is encouraged and everyone can be authentic at work. An inclusive culture leads to better engagement, well-being and reduced sickness, and an improved service for people who bring complaints to us.
There will be a focus on improvement through coaching and learning from others. Tailored support will enable individuals to be open about their abilities, experiences and ambitions for the future.
All staff will demonstrate and live the values of the organisation. Managers will also demonstrate the ‘leadership promise’ they have made, equipped with the appropriate tools and skills to perform at their best, while supporting others to do the same.
- Activity: Enhance coaching skills for managers to support management of difference through the Exemplary Manager Programme. Year: 2020
- Activity: Train a pool of up to 30 in-house coaches to be available to all staff as requested in order to provide support in development. Year: 2020-2024
- Activity: Review and develop the process for carrying out Equality Impact Assessments to make sure we have ample opportunity to understand the impact groups may experience. Share all assessments with staff on our intranet to ensure transparency and opportunity to engage. Year: 2020
- Activity: All staff to participate in up to one full day of equality, diversity and inclusion activities per year. For example, training (face-to-face or e-learning) and/or participation in a forum/network through membership or attendance. Year: 2020-2024
- Activity: Active monitoring of staff participation in equality, diversity and inclusion activities by the Diversity Steering Group. Year: 2020-2024
- Activity: Develop existing and create new equality, diversity and inclusion learning to allow opportunities to engage in development of knowledge and awareness raising. Year: 2020-2024
- Activity: Benchmark performance against peer organisations and other relevant sectors to identify best practice for inclusion in our action plan. Year: 2020-2024
- Activity: 360-degree feedback for all people managers, with identified areas for development included in the professional development plan. Year: 2022-2024
- Activity: Bi-monthly manager circles to develop leadership skills, using the ‘Centered Leadership’ model, taking account of managing a diverse team. Year: 2020-2024