Further resources
There are a large number of resources to support mental health services and practitioners to deliver safe and effective services. The list below is not comprehensive, but includes some useful resources and further reading:
Mental Health Act Code of Practice
NHS England resources for commissioners
NHS Improvement national model to support continuous improvement of mental health services
National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (NCCMH)
The NCCMH works together with a variety of stakeholders, including world leading academics, clinicians and people with lived experience, to produce a variety of products.
These products include:
- national guidance and pathways for commissioners and providers of mental health services
- independent systematic reviews
- competence frameworks
- service evaluations.
CQC Driving improvement: Case studies from seven mental health NHS trusts
CQC Equally outstanding: Equality and human rights - good practice resource
British Institute of Human Rights: Mental Health, Mental Capacity and Human Rights practitioner toolkits