Case summaries

These short, anonymised stories show the profound impact that failures in public services can have on the lives of individuals and their families.

Please note we have not published any new case summaries on this page since 2015. In April 2021 we began publishing our casework decision statements and investigation reports on our decisions portal


Health cases only
Trust failed to diagnose and treat stroke
Summary 384 |
Mr K complained that his wife had suffered a stroke, but the Trust diagnosed that she had suffered a transient ischaemic attack (symptoms of a stroke that last less than 24 hours). He was concerned that, because of this misdiagnosis, his wife did not receive any treatment for her stroke, or support when she got home.
Trust failed in its care of cardiac patient
Summary 382 |
The Trust did not organise adequate follow up when it discharged Mrs A, a cardiac patient. After she was readmitted, it failed to refer her to another specialist, delaying necessary surgery and depriving her of the best possible opportunity to survive.
Significant failings in care of cancer patient
Summary 381 |
There were significant failings in Mrs Y's care after she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The two Trusts involved acknowledged their failings but did not offer a personal remedy to her family.
Failure to properly assess patient's condition
Summary 379 |
Mrs Y's GP referred her to hospital with breathing difficulties. However, a junior doctor at the hospital did not adequately assess her and made an unsafe diagnosis. This was a missed opportunity to refer her sooner.
Surgery caused permanent damage
Summary 378 |
Mr A underwent a surgical procedure, and afterwards suffered from unexpected facial pain and numbness.