Case summaries

These short, anonymised stories show the profound impact that failures in public services can have on the lives of individuals and their families.

Please note we have not published any new case summaries on this page since 2015. In April 2021 we began publishing our casework decision statements and investigation reports on our decisions portal


Health cases only
Lack of input from surgical team after surgery led to pain and distress
Summary 423 |
Mrs W complained that after surgery for a kidney stone, she did not get appropriate pain relief and doctors from the urology team did not review her, despite repeated requests. Mrs W also complained that the Trust did not respond fully to her complaint, which left her with unanswered questions, worries about future treatment she might need and concerns that other people might have the same experience she did.
Poor end of life care
Summary 419 |
Mrs V's daughter complained that her mother had poor end of life care, and the family were not told about a do not resuscitate (DNAR) order.