Performance against our Service Charter 2022/23 Quarter 4 (January to March)

Following an open and fair process

CommitmentQuarter 4 (January - March 2023)Change from Quarter 3
 Complainant feedbackOrganisations we investigateComplainant feedbackOrganisations we investigate
5. We will listen to you to make sure we understand your complaint81%84%5%8%
6. We will explain the specific concerns we will be looking into89%82%3%0%
7. We will explain how we will do our work91%90%-3%3%
8. We will gather all the information we need, including from you and the organisation you have complained about before we make our decision44%84%-25%1%
9. We will share facts with you, and discuss with you what we are seeing84%83%2%3%
10. We will evaluate the information we've gathered and make an impartial decision on your complaint-81%--11%
11. We will explain our decision and recommendations, and how we reached them57%85%2%-6%
Overall section score74%84%-3%0%