Case summaries

These short, anonymised stories show the profound impact that failures in public services can have on the lives of individuals and their families.

Please note we have not published any new case summaries on this page since 2015. In April 2021 we began publishing our casework decision statements and investigation reports on our decisions portal


Health cases only
Poor midwifery care meant woman delivered baby herself
Summary 845 |
Miss J says she should not have been discharged home from the maternity unit and although she delivered her baby safely at home herself, she did not receive appropriate midwifery care for the third stage of labour.
Poor nursing documentation in patient's records
Summary 842 |
Mr W complained about the care and treatment his late mother received while she was an inpatient at the Trust. He also said that his complaint was handled dismissively and not all the issues were addressed.
Trust failed to fully recognise the impact of its poor communication
Summary 836 |
Ms H complained about the care and treatment she received when her fibroids were removed. She said she was unprepared for the procedure, the complications, and the significant scar on her abdomen. She also said that the Trust dealt with her complaint poorly.