Non-executive Board member

Dean Fathers

Professor Dean Fathers DL

Professor Dean Fathers DL joined the Board on 2 January 2018 and is Chair of the Quality Committee. He has over 20 years of experience chairing NHS organisations in primary, acute, mental health and community provider bodies as well as commissioning organisations. He has also been on the Board of NHS Providers, was Vice Chair of the NHS Confederation’s Mental Health Network and held appointments on the Workforce Race Equality Standard, Leadership and Talent Academy Boards within the NHS. 

Since leaving the NHS, Dean has maintained a portfolio career. He is Chair of Health Innovation NENC, Chair of the Midlands Engine Health Care and Life Sciences Board, a NED with the Academy for Health Care Science (where he chairs the Life Science Industry Advisory Board), is a Governor of Portland College, a Trustee of Care After Combat and has several commercial health-related roles. He is also on the Advisory Board of the Centre for Innovation and Social Enterprise, the University of Delhi, the Advisory Board of Liverpool Hope University Business School and holds Honorary / Visiting Professor appointments with the University of Nottingham and the University of Lincoln.