Quality Standards results 2021/22 Quarter 1 (April to June)

The Quality Standards scores are mapped and compared with the Service Charter commitment scores, which include feedback from complainants and organisations we investigate.

Quality StandardsQuarter 1 (April to June 2021)
 Complainant feedback (CF)Organisations we Investigate feedback (OWI)Quality Standards score (QS)
1. We take equal consideration of the complainant's and OWI accounts statements and evidence68%85%83%
2. We evaluate all evidence to make an impartial decision68%85%84%
3. We apply an appropriate standard when deciding if something went wrong44%83%76%
4. We explain how the clinical advice we have sought has been applied to the complaint65%79%63%

5. We provide clear rationales for our decisions


6. Our reports and decision letters contain an appropriate level of empathy



What the results tell us

  • There is a strong correlation between the Quality Standard and Organisations We Investigate scores for Quality Standard 1 (We take equal account of the complainant’s and the accounts, statements and evidence of organisations we investigate),  2 (We evaluate all available evidence to make an impartial decision) and 3 (We apply an appropriate standard when deciding if something went wrong).
  • There is a strong correlation between the Quality Standard and Complainant Feedbakc scores for Quality Standard 4 (We explain how the clinical advice we have sought has been applied to the complaint). This validates the finding of our quality assurance analysis that suggested we could improve how we explain how we have used clinical advice in 35% of our decisions. We are in the process of embedding quality improvements which we anticipate will improve both the Quality Standard and Complainant Feedback scores for this Standard.
  • There is a strong correlation between the Complainant Feedback and Quality Standard scores for Quality Standard 5 (We provide clear rationales for our decisions). Both complainants and quality assurance report that this Standard is met in approximately 50% of our decisions. Again, we anticipate these scores will improve as we implement quality improvements on this measure. Our Balancing Evidence project aims to address this and is currently subject to training being rolled out. By contrast, Organisations We Investigate report 86% on this Standard. We will carry out further analysis on the differences between these scores.
  • There is limited correlation between the Service Charter scores (Complainant Feedback and Organisations We Investigate) and the QS score for Quality Standard 6 (Our reports and decision letters contain an appropriate level of empathy). This is because this QS score looks solely at the final report and/or decision letter, whereas the complainant and organisations we investigate feedback is based on how we interact with people throughout the process. This score suggests that complainants and organisations are highly satisfied with the empathy demonstrated throughout our process, whereas quality assurance found this is not always demonstrated in the written report.