
Publications by type

Consultation responses Corporate publications Leaflets Letters Reports about government Reports about NHS Research
PHSO survey: complaining about the NHS during the coronavirus pandemic
6 October 2022
The coronavirus pandemic had an unparalleled impact on NHS services and on the people who use them. In August 2022, PHSO carried out research to better understand what impact the pandemic had on public attitudes towards complaining about the NHS.
Consultation responses
The Ombudsman's Annual Report and Accounts 2021 - 2022
15 July 2022
Our 2021-2022 Annual report and Accounts give details of our performance over the past 12 months, including financial reports and statistical information about the complaints we receive. We lay our annual reports before Parliament each year.
Corporate publications
From Manchester to Athens: next steps
26 May 2022
This paper marks and celebrates the launch of important development initiatives including a revised Peer Review process, at the European IOI Congress in Athens in May 2022.
Corporate publications