Creating and maintaining an equal, diverse and inclusive Ombudsman service is vital for individuals who work for us. It is also important for people who bring their complaints to us and those we investigate as we carry out our work.
Our first annual Ombudsman’s Casework Report includes information on cases we closed in 2019 about the NHS in England, UK government departments and other public organisations.
Our survey asked people about their experiences of using NHS mental health services in England. The survey results show that people continue to experience the five common failings we identified in our Maintaining Momentum report.
Our Service Charter makes commitments about the service we provide at different stages of our process. We publish the results each quarter. These results show how we performed against our Service Charter from July to September 2019.
This report sets out the findings of our review into the way we handled Mr Nic Hart’s complaint about the NHS care and treatment of his daughter, and subsequent investigation.